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2019 in Review

​​January 2020

Dear Friends of Cyprus,

Happy New Year! Thank you for being a loyal supporter of the Friends of Cyprus Association. We hope that the New Year is off to a good start.

2019 in Review

Friends of Cyprus has completed in its second year as an incorporated non-profit organization. During 2019, we received our official designation as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, which allows you to take a tax deduction for membership and donations. Our membership has grown to nearly 100 members and continues to grow thanks to your efforts and support.

On November 3, 2019, we hosted our first annual Celebrate Cyprus event at the Cathedral’s Hellenic Center in Atlanta. The event was well attended and well received and featured Cypriot performer Harry Antoniou. For photos of the event, click here. We’re planning our next annual Celebrate Cyprus event sometime in November 2020. More details to come.

In March, the Lykion Ton Ellinidon Book Club met at Polyxeni Potter’s house to discuss The Icon Hunter by Cypriot author Tasoula Hatzitofi.

We also enjoyed some social get-togethers in March and December, thanks to hosts Chris and Ariadne Nikiforou. company and great food!

Consider Joining our Board or a Committee!

Please consider helping with any of these committees – Membership, Development, Events and Communications. Bring us your ideas and suggestions for new committees.

If you are also interested in a Board position, we have 3 open spots available for 2020. The Board will meet every other month at a board member’s home, typically scheduled on a Sunday late afternoon. Spouse and family members are welcome to attend. Most of our discussion between board meetings is done through email. Contact us at if you are interested or want to find out more about available positions and committees.

NEW! Support Friends of Cyprus

Do you shop on Amazon? Here is another way you can support the Friends of Cyprus.

If you use Amazon for purchases, they can select any charitable organization to receive 0.5% of eligible purchases. Why not choose Friends of Cyprus?

Here’s how…

  1. Login to your Amazon account

  2. Go to the upper right hand corner where it says "Hello [Your Name]"; underneath it find "Account & Lists"

  3. Under "Your Account", scroll down to the 9th option where you will see "Your AmazonSmile". Here you can select a charity, change a charity, and see what you have contributed so far. Select or change to "Friends of Cyprus, Inc."

Friends of Cyprus Supports Greek Community Events

  • Saturday, January 25th - Cretan Glendi, Carlos Ballroom. Tickets and info available through Ticket Sales end Thursday, January 23rd at 11:59 pm. Tickets will not be sold at the door.

  • Sunday, January 26th – Atlanta Greek Film Expo presents “When Tomatoes Met Wagner” at the Tara Regal Cinemas. Tickets and info available through

  • Saturday, April 4th - Performance by Cypriot performer, Alkinoos Ioannides at the Rialto Theater. More information to come.

  • Look for a July 2020 Membership Drive and an Invasion of Cyprus in July 1974 commemoration event.

Please check our website at and Facebook page

@FriendsofCyprusUS regularly for more information and events as well as our new feature “Cyprus in the News”.

Renew or initiate your membership for 2020!

It’s time to make your annual commitment to the Friends of Cyprus. If you became a member during the Celebrate Cyprus event last November, your membership is valid through 2020.

There are several donation levels, including a family membership. Visit our website at, complete the membership form and pay through Paypal or you can mail your form and check to us.

We welcome your participation and suggestions. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us through our email,

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